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Schaltbau Group´s earnings rise sharply – 30 cents dividend planned – Schaltbau Holding AG Executive Board determines buy-back programme

Schaltbau Holding AG / Dividend/Share Buyback
Release of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted by DGAP – a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

At the Executive Board meeting of Schaltbau Holding AG held today, 7 March 2008, the following decisions were made concerning the payout of dividends and the repurchase of the company’s own stock:

Schaltbau Group´s earnings rise sharply – 30 cents dividend planned
The Schaltbau Group surpasses its previous forecast for 2007. The fiscal year 2007 was positively influenced both by a notable increase of 17 percent in firm orders to a level of 271.9 million euros and by a rise of 19.4 million euros in sales revenue, achieving a total of 232.1 million euros.

According to preliminary figures, the previous year’s earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of 11.8 million euros increased to 14.1 million euros. Preliminary group net profit thus rose from 6.0 million euros to a new total of 8.2 million euros. The profit attributable to shareholders of Schaltbau Holding AG thus amounts to 7.2 million euros after recording a figure of 5.0 million euros one year earlier. Diluted earnings per share therefore exceeded expectations and now stand at 3.85 euros (previous year: 2.67 euros). Net bank liabilities were reduced to 41.4 million euros (2006: 43.8 million euros).

Due to the continued improvement in the group earnings situation and the positive medium-term business prospects for the companies of the Schaltbau Group, the Executive Board will put forward a proposal for the appropriation of profit to the Supervisory Board to raise the dividend to 30 cents per share (previous year: 15 cents).

Schaltbau Holding AG Executive Board determines buy-back programme
In conjunction with a resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting on 12 June 2007 and in accordance with § 71 clause 1 No. 8 AktG (Companies Act), the Munich-based Schaltbau Holding AG (ISIN DE0007170300, DE000A0D66Z2 and DE000A0TFWY1) is authorised to acquire its own stock up to an equivalent of 10% of its share capital until 11 December 2008. In line with this existing authorisation and with the approval of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board today determined to put a programme in place to buy back its own stock.

The buy-back is to comprise up to 5,000 individual shares. It will begin on 10 March 2008 and end on 31 March 2008. The programme will be implemented under the guidance of the designated sponsor Close Brothers Seydler AG. Frankfurt, and in accordance with commission regulation (EC) No. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003.

The repurchased shares are to be issued in the form of an individual share subscription programme for a selected circle of employees with special entitlements – this primarily relates to the chief executive officers of German group companies.

In conjunction with the buy-back programme determined by the company, the purchase price (excluding ancillary costs) may not exceed 10% above or below the arithmetical mean value of company shares of the same class and structure quoted in the closing auction of XETRA trading at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange over the preceding ten days of stock exchange trading on which shares of this class were traded.

Additional information regarding the buy-back programme will be published on the company’s website in the ‘Investor Relations’ section.

Wolfdieter Bloch
Schaltbau Holding AG
Klausenburger Straße 6
81677 München
Tel. 089 – 93005 209
Fax  089 – 93005 318

07.03.2008  Financial News transmitted by DGAP

Language:     English
Issuer:       Schaltbau Holding AG
              Klausenburger Straße 6
              81667 München
Phone:        089 – 93005 0
Fax:          089 – 93005 350
ISIN: DE0007170300, DE000A0D66Z2, DE000A0TFWY1 WKN:          717030, A0D66Z2, A0TFWY1
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (General Standard), München;               Freiverkehr in Berlin, Stuttgart
End of News DGAP News-Service  

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